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Use newer versions of binaries from WDQS deploy binaries
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


We may want to have an option take binaries from latest deploy binaries, since WDQS releases are not frequent and some relevant issues can be fixed between releases.

To fetch the binaries the process is:

Use blazegraph-service-$VERSION-SNAPSHOT.war and lib/wikidata-query-tools-$VERSION-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar as Blazegraph and Updater binaries. Current VERSION is 0.3.1

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Would it be better to just get the from archiva direct rather than using git-fat and the wikidata-query-deploy repo?

This would keep the images less dependent on what happens on production. It also would happily remove git-fat as a dependency.

We should be able to do this with something like: wget ""

although currently this 403s

Would it be better to just get the from archiva direct rather than using git-fat and the wikidata-query-deploy repo?

Yes, but you need to know how to get the latest one.

After a little digging it seems that that search endpoint is locked down but the good news is that: seems to always display the latest pushed SNAPSHOT version.

I diffed the extracted folder with the most recent one published in the list from and they are identical.

Re opening as we still don't use 0.3.1 yet which is what this ticket is actually talking about.

I closed T192342 for using these repos instead of maven...

Do we actually want to do this now then? Is 0.3.1 compatible with our wikibase version?

Addshore removed a project: Patch-For-Review.

@Smalyshev Is there some kind of record showing which versions of the query service are compatible with which versions of the wdqs?

Is there some kind of record showing which versions of the query service are compatible with which versions of the wdqs?

Not really. Since the interface is pretty much just RDF/TTL, any recent version should work (with the note that some of the versions of course may be missing some data which were added later). Unfortunately, I don't have a formal definition of "recent", except that if some combination from last year or so doesn't work it's most likely a bug and should be fixed.

Addshore moved this task from Peer Review to Done on the Wikidata-Campsite board.

0.3.1 merged