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IA-upload log throws "Command not found: "djvm -c "" error message
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I am using IA_upload to upload a book from to wikimedia. The book is : nouveaularoussei07laro
Apparently, this book has no djvu version and IA-upload seems to convert it before it can move it to wikimedia. After one day of conversion, there is still nothing on wikimedia. Do you have an idea why?
The logs end with this command:
[2018-04-21 22:09:49] LOG.CRITICAL: Command not found: "djvm -c "/mnt/nfs/labstore-secondary-tools-project/ia-upload/ia-upload/jobqueue/nouveaularoussei07laro...

Event Timeline

Ping @Samwilson — Can you please respond to Fortelle or help me triage this defect. Thank you!

That's odd. Command not found: "djvm -c ... suggests that djvm isn't installed, but it is (I've just verified this, and anyway we're not seeing this error with other jobs). I suspect it's because the argument list is too long (there are 1529 pages in this item). We could probably sort out a way to stop that, but the bigger problem is that the conversion will probably just fail anyway because it'll run out of memory (I don't think we've been able to convert anything over about 600 pages).

I'll have a look at fixing up the page-listing and how it's passed to djvm, and see where that gets us.

Sounds like there are a few things to detangle here: fixing this defect, addressing the ~600 page limit (fix or provide a warning/error), and if I recall correctly we still need to decide what to do about DJV files entirely.

If this error isn't happening on all uploads, I think this ticket can wait until we discuss what to do with IA Upload entirely.

TBolliger renamed this task from Problem with using IA-upload to IA-upload log throws "Command not found: "djvm -c "" error message.Apr 23 2018, 9:24 AM
TBolliger removed a project: Community-Tech.

This is almost certainly the same issue as T215647 (but that task has more log data).