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Phlogiston miscategorizes some tasks that are categorized by ColumnRule
Closed, DeclinedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


In the VE Current Open Tasks phlog report (

T189821 is categorized as Visual Editor Other under the categorization rule:

6. Categorize as VisualEditor Other all tasks
    in project Current work
    and not in any rules above

However, it should have been caught by the categorization rule:

2. Categorize as Up next all tasks
    in project Current work
    and in a column whose title includes the text Up next

UPDATE: Tentative diagnosis in comments; high-effort fix.

Event Timeline

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Phlogiston miscategorizes some VE tasks to eldaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:11 AM
Vvjjkkii removed JAufrecht as the assignee of this task.
Vvjjkkii raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
CommunityTechBot renamed this task from eldaaaaaaa to Phlogiston miscategorizes some VE tasks.Jul 2 2018, 2:01 PM
CommunityTechBot assigned this task to JAufrecht.
CommunityTechBot lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.
CommunityTechBot updated the task description. (Show Details)
CommunityTechBot added a subscriber: Aklapper.

Debugging notes.

  1. The task is mis-categorized in the database:
phlogiston=# select date, category from task_on_date_recategorized where id = 189821 and scope = 'vec' order by date;
        date         |      category
 2018-04-13 00:00:00 | VisualEditor Other
 2018-04-14 00:00:00 | VisualEditor Other
 2018-07-23 00:00:00 | VisualEditor Other
(102 rows)
  1. The raw information in task_on_date is missing the column information, so all categorization by column in vec and presumably other projects is broken.
 phlogiston=# select date, project, projectcolumn from task_on_date where id = 189821 and scope = 'vec' order by date;
        date         |   project    | projectcolumn
 2018-04-13 00:00:00 | Current work |
 2018-04-14 00:00:00 | Current work |
 2018-07-23 00:00:00 | Current work |
(102 rows)
  1. The raw Phabricator data in the database appears to be correct:
select * from maniphest_transaction where task_id = 189821 and transaction_type = 'core:columns';
   id    |              phid              | task_id |          object_phid           | transaction_type | old_value |                                                                                                             new_value                                                                                                             |     date_modified      | metadata 
 4409763 | PHID-XACT-TASK-lnmnitjnpjpqltj |  189821 | PHID-TASK-7e5k3slceedqnqy7x26v | core:columns     | null      | [{"columnPHID":"PHID-PCOL-pfjzrm3k6t27kjadirze","afterPHID":"PHID-TASK-yybpcvgphllfdxwlahzx","boardPHID":"PHID-PROJ-cm6l3muxcwmitvpzcc4u","fromColumnPHIDs":{"PHID-PCOL-pfjzrm3k6t27kjadirze":"PHID-PCOL-pfjzrm3k6t27kjadirze"}}] | 2018-07-09 21:14:46+00 | []
 4159878 | PHID-XACT-TASK-mwmsrolcu7fao5o |  189821 | PHID-TASK-7e5k3slceedqnqy7x26v | core:columns     | null      | [{"columnPHID":"PHID-PCOL-pfjzrm3k6t27kjadirze","afterPHID":"PHID-TASK-63qz5bfmy3zfyfhe6bn3","boardPHID":"PHID-PROJ-cm6l3muxcwmitvpzcc4u","fromColumnPHIDs":{"PHID-PCOL-27kdwzvrc74fzrnjl6sr":"PHID-PCOL-27kdwzvrc74fzrnjl6sr"}}] | 2018-04-26 00:10:00+00 | []
 4127392 | PHID-XACT-TASK-silgz4dymk2f5jv |  189821 | PHID-TASK-7e5k3slceedqnqy7x26v | core:columns     | null      | [{"columnPHID":"PHID-PCOL-rweuthbrmxt2cbf53mzn","afterPHID":"PHID-TASK-h4bqhfjyyrjzh2ipxttp","boardPHID":"PHID-PROJ-hd4zy7ho6fpqtllay7jm","fromColumnPHIDs":{"PHID-PCOL-jro5oos4bq4p24c2hx4o":"PHID-PCOL-jro5oos4bq4p24c2hx4o"}}] | 2018-04-12 16:18:48+00 | []
(3 rows)

The first row is for the project Radar, column Watching; the second row for the same, and the third (earliest) row is for MediaWiki-Page-editing, column Stash.

New hypothesis: the task is not getting categorized because it doesn't have a column in Phlog, and the reason it doesn't have a column in Phlog is that Phlog only gets columns from core:columns transactions, and when the task was moved to the Visual Editor (Current) board, this was documented in an core:edge transaction, but the column was assigned by default rather than by transaction.

JAufrecht set the point value for this task to 8.
JAufrecht renamed this task from Phlogiston miscategorizes some VE tasks to Phlogiston miscategorizes some tasks that are categorized by ColumnRule.Jul 27 2018, 11:25 PM
JAufrecht removed JAufrecht as the assignee of this task.

Phlogiston is unmaintained. Declining its remaining open tasks. See T253964 for more info.