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Ability to sort output Special:UnusedImages
Open, Needs TriagePublic


At this time the output of Special:UnusedImages has a singular output, and not in an evident organised form

The ability to be able to sort the output of list alphabetically, would be useful. While this could be done for all output, it would be more useful to have this as a generatable option.

An example is for the Wikisources where files extracted from works will often be named according to the work, so would have a formulaic naming pattern. Trying to find images from a work based on an unorganised list is problematic, especially with current image/filename output.

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You might try resultListSort@PerfektesChaos which sorts a lot of special page output by various criteria, and Unusedimages is among them.

I have installed it as a gadget for enWS. Does it have dependencies which I need to add?

Trying on ...
(in monobook) however I see it grey the tab and then not produce a different output.

No, actually not.

I will check the monobook situation and reply later.

It is a screengrabbing issue.

The gallery legend is not the same I found a couple of years ago; tonight I will update the grabber. Tomorrow that should work. Images have a special list formatting, tables and galleries rather than a bulleted text list.

The page is currently sorted by file upload date (img_timestamp).

I just updated the gadget code; should work now.

It is a screengrabbing issue.

The gallery legend is not the same I found a couple of years ago; tonight I will update the grabber. Tomorrow that should work. Images have a special list formatting, tables and galleries rather than a bulleted text list.

If you can reformat as a bulleted list that may address T194865 (List output by fullname (without image) for Special:UnusedImages )

A similar suggestion came up some years ago for Special:ListFiles which actually means “new files”.

The challenge is to avoid downloding 50 or hundreds of thumbnail images, saving bandwidth and time.

The problem is to bring suppressing CSS into effect at a very early stage. It is hard to predict who would win that race and prevent the browser from downloading images when the gadget is activated simultaneously. On the original special pages that is hard to achieve.

Rather than overburdening resultListSort I might create a listFilesText one day, which will communicate via API and retrieves and displays sortable metadata for the following scenarios:

  • category: (expected to contain some media files)
  • Special:ListFiles (similar, entirely new or uploaded version)
  • Special:UnusedImages
  • Special:Uncategorizedimages
  • Special:MostLinkedFiles

I noticed that you want to filter for file types. Naturally, file names will appear in full length.

If ever created I will notify you.

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Ability to sort output Special:UnusedImages to flcaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:08 AM
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CommunityTechBot renamed this task from flcaaaaaaa to Ability to sort output Special:UnusedImages .Jul 1 2018, 6:24 PM
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