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Invisible checkbox in notification when switching from visual to source code editing
Closed, DuplicatePublic


It was reported that when switching from visual to source code editing, the checkbox which allows to permanently disable the switch notification is invisible:

grafik.png (444×742 px, 23 KB)

The relevant part of the HTML:

<span class="oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-inputWidget oo-ui-checkboxInputWidget" aria-disabled="false">
    <input tabindex="0" aria-disabled="false" class="oo-ui-inputWidget-input" value="" id="ooui-1" type="checkbox">
    <span class="oo-ui-checkboxInputWidget-checkIcon oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-iconElement oo-ui-iconElement-icon oo-ui-icon-check oo-ui-iconWidget oo-ui-image-invert" aria-disabled="false"></span>

The problematic CSS is this rule which is in effect when it should not be:

.oo-ui-widget .oo-ui-iconElement-icon, .oo-ui-widget .oo-ui-indicatorElement-indicator, .oo-ui-widget.oo-ui-iconElement .oo-ui-widget .oo-ui-iconElement-icon, .oo-ui-widget.oo-ui-indicatorElement .oo-ui-widget .oo-ui-indicatorElement-indicator {
    display: none;

How to reproduce the problem:

  1. Log in with a new user account (older accounts usually have disabled this notification permanently)
  2. Open a random article in visual editing mode
  3. Use the pen in the upper right-hand corner of the editor to switch to source code editing
  4. Observe that the checkbox is invisible

Event Timeline

Vvjjkkii renamed this task from Invisible checkbox in notification when switching from visual to source code editing to ibbaaaaaaa.Jul 1 2018, 1:05 AM
Vvjjkkii reopened this task as Open.
Vvjjkkii triaged this task as High priority.
Vvjjkkii updated the task description. (Show Details)
Vvjjkkii removed a subscriber: Aklapper.
CommunityTechBot renamed this task from ibbaaaaaaa to Invisible checkbox in notification when switching from visual to source code editing.Jul 2 2018, 2:58 PM
CommunityTechBot closed this task as a duplicate.
CommunityTechBot raised the priority of this task from High to Needs Triage.
CommunityTechBot updated the task description. (Show Details)
CommunityTechBot added a subscriber: Aklapper.