We've had great results using
to dedupe ranges of CIDs. Is there a way to modify this to exclude donors who've given above $500 USD lifetime?
Event Timeline
So, the way to add criteria is just a comma and the next condition - here's a first and last name dedupe search.
Now we just need the field name to use for the lifetime total. I bet it's somthing like custom_XXX
So something like:
civicrm/contact/dedupefind?reset=1&action=update&rgid=13&criteria={%22contact%22:{%22id%22:{%22BETWEEN%22:[50000,80000], [LIFETIME TOTAL < $500]}}}&limit=10000
maybe we can draw on Eileen's wisdom next checkin
so in theory it should be
I used BETWEEN 1 & 500 above because until we sort Civi has a problem with 0 in a between range
Or possibly
OK this is the json I think
"contact": {
"id": { "BETWEEN": [50000, 80000] }, "custom_132": { "BETWEEN": [0, 499] }
OK so this proves it 'works' - in that we get the known zero error
I'm pretty sure this is correct