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Unable to select and copy text on the right side of the donation form
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The phone number on the right side of the donation form can not be selected with the mouse (tested with Chrome).

Screenshot from 2018-11-18 17-31-39.png (134×385 px, 11 KB)

It feels like it is an image, but it is not. A right click and "Inspect" shows that a big <div> container is stacked on top of everything and blocks certain mouse events. The browsers behavior is quite fascinating here, because clicking links in the same area still works, but selecting text does not.

Event Timeline

The behaviour is even more fascinating, because you actually can select text. You wouldn't expect that, because the cursor does not switch to the "text" one.

Either my original test was with a slightly older Chrome version, or the donation interface changed in the meantime. It had nothing to do with the cursor. It really was not possible to select the text. Unfortunately I can not test this any more because I have neither access to the older Chrome any more, nor to older versions of the interface.

Now I'm on a new laptop with Chrome 70, and I can select the text. So this is much less of a problem, it seems. However, when you right click and "Inspect" you still end at the wrong element. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to ignore this issue just because one particular browser fixed it now.

By the way, I can not test this with Firefox because I get an entirely different donation interface there (the old one). I find this super confusing. Why is this?

Both of our skins are currently active. If not explicitely passed with a URL parameter (skin=0, skin=1), a random skin is picked for you.

I'm not saying that we should ignore this. At some point it should be fixed - if only to keep the developers sane when trying to inspect one of the elements.

Ah, thanks. For your information, on with the current Firefox the text is not selectable.