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OOUI being loaded unconditionally on mobile site resulting in 50kb more bytes shipped
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I'm seeing a 50kb spike in JavaScript loaded on the mobile site on the beta cluster since 28th November:

Screen Shot 2018-11-29 at 4.09.07 PM.png (281×707 px, 43 KB)

This is HUGE (190kb to 260kb) and seems to be due to this new JS being loaded:

This does not appear to be the case in production.
What changes recently might have caused this?

Event Timeline

matmarex subscribed.

The module is not loaded on all pages – it is not loaded on, for example. (Check in browser console with mw.loader.getState('oojs-ui-core'), it return "registered" rather than "ready".)

I guessed from your screenshot that this is testing, and it is indeed loaded on that page. You can find out what loads it with mw.inspect.getDependencyGraph() (after loading it with mw.loader.load('mediawiki.inspect')): the module oojs-ui-widgets is loaded by being a dependency of ext.quicksurveys.views.

And this issue is already known: T159738.

Jdlrobson triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Nov 30 2018, 12:21 AM
Jdlrobson edited projects, added Performance-Team; removed QuickSurveys.

Yep looks like this was due to (The Trust QuickSurvey in T209882)

You can find out what loads it with mw.inspect.getDependencyGraph() (after loading it with mw.loader.load('mediawiki.inspect')): the module oojs-ui-widgets is loaded by being a dependency of ext.quicksurveys.views.

Neato! I didn't know we could do that. That's awesome.

@Jdlrobson In a slightly positive note, it's down to 50kb now to run a QuickSurvey with OOUI?

Volker_E renamed this task from OOjs UI being loaded unconditionally on mobile site resulting in 50kb more bytes shipped to OOUI being loaded unconditionally on mobile site resulting in 50kb more bytes shipped.Nov 30 2018, 2:16 AM