Per community discussion (see the provided URL), I would like to request the installation of Extension:FlaggedRevs on arwiki (Arabic Wikipedia). The following configuration would be preferable:
$wgFlaggedRevsWhitelist = array( 'الصفحة_الرئيسية' );
$wgFlaggedRevsAutopromote = array(
'days' => 60, # days since registration
'edits' => 150, # total edit count
'excludeDeleted' => false, # exclude deleted edits from 'edits' count above?
'spacing' => 3, # spacing of edit intervals
'benchmarks' => 15, # how many edit intervals are needed?
'recentContentEdits' => 0, # $wgContentNamespaces edits in recent changes
// Either totalContentEdits reqs OR totalCheckedEdits requirements needed
'totalContentEdits' => 300, # $wgContentNamespaces edits OR...
'totalCheckedEdits' => 200, # ...Edits before the stable version of pages
'uniqueContentPages' => 12, # $wgContentNamespaces unique pages edited
'editComments' => 20, # how many edit comments used?
'email' => false, # user must be emailconfirmed?
'userpageBytes' => 0, # userpage is needed? with what min size?
'uniqueIPAddress' => false, # If $wgPutIPinRC is true, users sharing IPs won't be promoted
'neverBlocked' => true, # Can users that were blocked be promoted?
'maxRevertedEdits' => 10, # Max edits the user could have had rolled back?
$wgAddGroups['reviewer'][] = 'editor';
$wgRemoveGroups['reviewer'][] = 'editor';
$wgAddGroups['bureaucrat'][] = 'reviewer';
$wgRemoveGroups['bureaucrat'][] = 'reviewer';
Thank you.
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement