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Create a meaningful default for ImportSources
Closed, ResolvedPublic


ImportSources are currently defined per wiki in InitialiseSettings, and if nothing is defined, Special:Import doesn't work.

It would be nice to have a reasonable default for this, so that small wikis would get something sensible if nothing explicit was defined. English Wikipedia, French Wikipedia, and Meta could probably be a good default import source.

I'm mostly concerned with Wikimedia sites, but this may be useful for all MediaWiki installations, so perhaps this should be defined in core. The current default is []. But if there's no robust way to do it, then such a default should be defined at least in the Wikimedia MediaWiki configuration. Hence, tagging both MediaWiki-Core-Snapshots and Wikimedia-Site-requests.

Event Timeline

Amire80 renamed this task from Create a default for to Create a default for ImportSources.Jan 18 2019, 8:19 AM
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Amire80 renamed this task from Create a default for ImportSources to Create a meaningful default for ImportSources.Jan 18 2019, 8:22 AM
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Amire80 updated the task description. (Show Details)

I think this should be discussed off-phab too, maybe Community-consensus-needed ?

I think this should be discussed off-phab too, maybe Community-consensus-needed ?

No problem, although I'm not sure where. It will be a global policy and not a discussion in any particular wiki or language community, and as I wrote in the beginning, it may be good even for all MediaWiki users beyond Wikimedia.

I guess I can bring it up at Wikimedia-L or Wikitech-L.

I'd create a RFC on Meta and link the RFC on the lists you mentioned.


I would add Commons and/or Wikidata as a default, as they provide multi-lingual versions of help pages, templates etc., not found on monolingual Wikipedias.

Change 676930 had a related patch set uploaded (by Amire80; author: Amire80):

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add default import sources

Change 676930 merged by jenkins-bot:

[operations/mediawiki-config@master] Add default import sources

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-04-20T11:15:56Z] <wmde-fisch@deploy1002> Synchronized wmf-config/InitialiseSettings.php: Config: [[gerrit:676930|Add default import sources (T214139)]] (duration: 00m 58s)

Deployed and tested.

These are just the defaults; wikis can choose to define something else, or remove their current custom configuration and use the default.

Thanks to everyone who helped!

Amire80 claimed this task.