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Optimize LinguaLibre UI on mobile devices
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Following LinguaLibre hackahton in Paris in December last year, it had been suggested to optimize LinguaLibre UI on Mobile devices.
I'm opening this task to startd working on it.
@0x010C could we tell me more about templating on Mediawiki with necessary documenation?

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Event Timeline

Mh-3110 renamed this task from Optimze LinguaLibre UI on mobile device to Optimze LinguaLibre UI on mobile devices.Jan 28 2019, 3:17 PM
Mh-3110 created this task.
Mh-3110 renamed this task from Optimze LinguaLibre UI on mobile devices to Optimize LinguaLibre UI on mobile devices.Jan 30 2019, 5:34 PM

@0x010C , here are the next steps:

  • First: i will propose some mockups of the mobile view

-Second: if mockups ok with you guys, then will implement template.

@Mh-3110 that sounds great, I can't wait to see :).

Hi, here were my first attempts but I got some feedbacks from UX specialists at the hackathon in Prague to improve it.

The idea behind those 2 proposed mockups are:
-First I want users to have a direct access to the record wizard and to start recording as that is the main objective of LinguaLibre
-Create some kind of emotion of image banner and texts to call user to actions

Feedbacks and Comments I got at the hackathon:
-In the menu remove LinguaLibre text from the Logo; Just keep the one writing in the head menu
-Reduce the banner image height on V2 to let people see the record icon
-Possible to use a carrousel banner to display many images
-Banner images should inspire emotions with images of different people faces using recording with LinguaLibre.
-Record icon: instead of using a new icon, Maybe possible to use LinguaLibre logo (without the text)
-Footer: make it more light with less elements / Links

cc: @0x010C