We know from communication with data provider that parts of the detailed information (phone number, website, possibly postal addresses...) are not up to date or not quality assured. I still think we can (start with) the basic info and then possibly discuss how useful the rest is, or crowdsource it...
Basic info to upload:
- Library name :)
- Administrative location (municip/region)
- Coordinates!
Further problems:
- Hospital/school libraries in the database have problematic names, such as Sjukhuset i Falköping or Musikhögskolan Ingesund. These cannot be imported as names of libraries.
- Possible Solution: only import public libraries? I.e. Bibliotekstyp == folkbib
- Some foreign/Nordic libraries included – b/c connected to Libris.
- Should these be excluded?
- ID property has to be investigated. The libraries in the database have a siglum, but:
- Is it unique?
- Is it part of an international system, or only Swedish? Note that non-Swedish libraries in the db have sigels starting with digits, like 5Hfb, which is weird.