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Import Swedish Library Database
Open, Needs TriagePublic



We know from communication with data provider that parts of the detailed information (phone number, website, possibly postal addresses...) are not up to date or not quality assured. I still think we can (start with) the basic info and then possibly discuss how useful the rest is, or crowdsource it...

Basic info to upload:

  • Library name :)
  • Administrative location (municip/region)
  • Coordinates!

Further problems:

  • Hospital/school libraries in the database have problematic names, such as Sjukhuset i Falköping or Musikhögskolan Ingesund. These cannot be imported as names of libraries.
    • Possible Solution: only import public libraries? I.e. Bibliotekstyp == folkbib
  • Some foreign/Nordic libraries included – b/c connected to Libris.
    • Should these be excluded?
  • ID property has to be investigated. The libraries in the database have a siglum, but:
    • Is it unique?
    • Is it part of an international system, or only Swedish? Note that non-Swedish libraries in the db have sigels starting with digits, like 5Hfb, which is weird.

Event Timeline

Jopparn subscribed.

Please investigate if there were some libraries that weren't uploaded to WIkidata.