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Error message for trying to move a page with insufficient rights displays twice
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If you attempt to move a page to a title that you don't have permission to create (ex: attempting to move a page into MediaWiki namespace as a non-admin, moving a JS or CSS page into someone else's userspace as a non-iadmin), the resulting error message will show up twice.

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Strangely, this doesn't trigger when moving a page to a title that is just protected against creation.

Strangely, this doesn't trigger when moving a page to a title that is just protected against creation.

This is because protection is checked separately against the target. In the former scenario, the double error messages are for edit and move rights against the target page.

Ammarpad renamed this task from Error message for trying to move a page to an illegal title displays twice to Error message for trying to move a page with insufficient rights displays twice.Jan 25 2020, 2:00 PM