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Visual assets for iOS app FAQ page
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Authored By
Mar 21 2019, 10:52 PM
Referenced Files
F28971866: Widget.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971809: Save an article.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971847: Remove language.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971852: File a bug.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971828: Filter saved articles.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971841: Change language.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971870: Share a fact.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM
F28971891: Turn off Explore feed in a single language.png
May 8 2019, 8:44 PM


Why are we doing this?

We are updating the user-facing FAQ for the iOS app and will need some screenshots and/or gifs to illustrate some of the answers.

Drive folder with all of the images

  • How do I hide an article recommendation?

You can remove article recommendations from Explore by tapping the “…” icon and tapping “Hide Recommendation”.

Hide article recommendation.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)

  • Can I "turn off" or "opt out" of Explore or recommendations?

need to write this

Turn off the Explore feed.png (2×4 px, 1 MB)

  • How does Places work?

need to write this

Places - List view and filter.png (2×4 px, 2 MB)
Places - search.png (2×4 px, 2 MB)
There's one more image in the Drive folder that wouldn't load on Phab for some reason...
  • Can I save articles for offline reading?

To save an article for reading later, just tap the "bookmark" icon in the bottom bar while viewing the article. To view your saved articles, tap the "Saved" tab.

Save an article.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)

  • How do I organize my saved pages into folders or lists?

When saving an article, a shortcut appears at the bottom of the screen. Tap the shortcut to create and organized saved pages.

Save an article - Add to list.png (2×5 px, 1 MB)

  • How do I search ONLY the pages I’ve saved and can read offline?

Tap the “Saved” tab of the app’s main tabs. At the top of this tab is a search box which will search through all your pages on device. You can also search within a single Reading List, by selecting the list from the Reading lists tab, and using the search box at the top of the list’s screen.

Search saved articles.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)

  • What order are my saved pages in? Can I sort them?

By default Saved pages are displayed in the order in which they were saved. To sort them alphabetically, tap the Sort button in the upper right (next to the search box) and select your preferred sorting.

Filter saved articles.png (2×4 px, 1 MB)

  • Can I read articles from more than one language?

You can see content from multiple projects at the same time by setting up multiple languages in the “My Languages” setting. Adding additional languages makes it easy to switch between languages while reading or searching, and combines content from across your languages in the Explore feed.

Change language.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)
Add language.png (2×7 px, 2 MB)
  • How can I remove languages?

Tap the More button on the search screen, or go Setting and select "My Languages". Tap Edit on the "My Languages" screen to delete, add or reorder languages. Using only one preferred language will hide the language search bar completely, or under Settings, set the "Show languages on search" switch to off.

Remove language.png (2×5 px, 1 MB)

  • How do I set my primary language?

need to write

Reorder languages.png (2×5 px, 1 MB)

  • How do I re-order the languages on my list?

need to write

Reorder languages.png (2×5 px, 1 MB)

  • How do I get other language in/out of my Explore feed?

need to write

Turn off a single card in a single language.png (2×7 px, 2 MB)
Turn off Explore feed in a single language.png (2×7 px, 2 MB)
  • Can I change font size?

You can adjust the article text size using the Text Size tool from any article's toolbar. This setting affects the size of the text in articles, previews and summaries. To adjust the size of the user interface elements (like buttons) you can use iOS’s Dynamic Text setting, which will adjust the size of interface text across your device, including on Wikipedia.

Change font size - article.png (2×3 px, 1 MB)
Change font size - settings.png (2×5 px, 2 MB)
  • Can I change the background or text color? Do you have night mode?

You can select the color palette for text and background, and also apply dimming to images in the “Reading preferences” screen of Settings. We don’t currently support automatic night mode, but we do have both a Dark and Black palette which make great low-light reading options. We also support the dimming of images to reduce brightness of images throughout the app.

Change theme - settings.png (2×5 px, 2 MB)
Change theme - article.png (2×4 px, 2 MB)
  • How do I share an article, image or link?

On the article or image, tap the share button. Then choose the social network or app you want to share to. You can also save images to your Photo roll or copy URLs from here.

Share article.png (2×3 px, 2 MB)

  • How do I share-a-fact (an image with a quote or fact included)?

To use the “share-a-fact” option, select the quote or fact text you want to share. Then long press the selected text and choose Share from the popover menu. The share-a-fact preview will show you how your image will look.

Share a fact.png (2×4 px, 1 MB)

  • How do I remove Wikipedia Widgets?

Scroll to the bottom of the Today screen and tap Edit. Tap the delete button next to the widgets you want to remove, and press Done.

Widget.png (2×1 px, 3 MB)

  • How do I create an account?

need to write

Create an account.png (2×5 px, 1 MB)

  • Can I view a page's history and talk pages?

The app doesn't currently support viewing full history and talk pages. These pages can be viewed in the in app browser. You can find the links at the foot of the article.

History pages.png (2×5 px, 2 MB)
Talk pages.png (2×5 px, 2 MB)
  • Where do I report bugs?

Instructions on how to file a bug are here. Please include as much information about your device, the app version you're using, and screenshots if you can.

File a bug.png (2×7 px, 2 MB)

Event Timeline

LGoto triaged this task as Lowest priority.Apr 8 2019, 6:52 PM
cmadeo updated the task description. (Show Details)
JMinor raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Low.
JMinor moved this task from Product Backlog to PM-Backlog on the Wikipedia-iOS-App-Backlog board.