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Please upload two ~15GB files to Wikimedia Commons
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Ping @Reedy as the one who has dealt with most server side uploads in the recent past.

According to my understanding, the maximum size for one file cannot exceed 4294967296 bytes (=~4,2 GB). This limit is hard, and cannot be bypassed even by sysadmins. Both of your files are about 15 GBs, so they cannot be uploaded.

Aklapper renamed this task from Please upload large files to Wikimedia Commons to Please upload two ~15GB files to Wikimedia Commons.May 24 2019, 7:58 PM

According to my understanding, the maximum size for one file cannot exceed 4294967296 bytes (=~4,2 GB). This limit is hard, and cannot be bypassed even by sysadmins. Both of your files are about 15 GBs, so they cannot be uploaded.

Per this comment. You should split the files into multiple chunks smaller than 4,2 GB and try to upload them yourself using chunked uploading, or, if that fails, request a server-side upload. Thank you for your understanding. Also see T191804 and T191802 for discussions on how to extend this limit.