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Create a LDAP/Wikitech account for Perside Rosalie
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Rosalie is a new intern at WMDE Software department, and she'd need the LDAP/Wikitech account to start working and contributing.
Given the account registration is now closed at Wikitech, I am making a request here.

Wikitech user name: Rosalie Perside (WMDE)
Shell user name: rosalie-wmde

Email address to connect with the account(s):

Should further information be needed, I'd be happy to provide them.

Event Timeline

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Apr 10 2019, 3:25 PM

Currently not possible, see T200184#5075876.

(Once possible again, a username would be needed.)

Thanks @Aklapper, I do hope it is going to be resolved soon. Adding usernames to the description.

For the record: I am going to give the manual procedure (as described in a try as the account would really be useful here.

WMDE-leszek claimed this task.
WMDE-leszek added a subscriber: bd808.

@Ladsgroup was kind to perfom the manual creation of the account for us, thank you!

@Ladsgroup was kind to perfom the manual creation of the account for us, thank you!

Yes, to put in more detail, I used the Special:CreateAccount GUI and didn't use the automated generator password, I gave it a simple one and sent it to her.

I gave it a simple one and sent it to her.

that pre-set password has been changed