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New pages on Special:RecentChanges: Sometimes pages deleted and recreated show the wrong old version
Open, Needs TriagePublic


See this screenshot: This page (

should not get listed here:

grafik.png (622×2 px, 190 KB)

as the page was deleted, other versions imported, and restored the version showed there is not a pagecreation anymore, so it should not get listed as one here. This causes bugs in bot scripts.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

@Luke081515: I assume the screenshot is from ? Which filters are set? How to get that view? Exact steps to reproduce welcome. Please see and follow

What exactly is "not actualized" after which step?

If I understand correctly, the problem is that the page was re-created and listed (actual outcome), and as it was re-created it should not be listed (expected outcome)? (If that is correct then I don't see an issue with actualization but rather with incorrectly showing an item?)

The issue is, that when you visit Special:RecentChanges, and you select only new pages, from time to time it happens, that a page that gets deleted and recreated with a different oldest version, the original oldest version is still listed as page creation, however it is not a page creation anymore.

This happens from time to time and not permanent.

Aklapper renamed this task from RecentChanges get not actualized to New pages on Special:RecentChanges: Sometimes pages deleted and recreated show the wrong old version.May 27 2019, 11:29 AM

This behavior seems to depend on whether creating a new page over a deleted page should be considered a new page creation. We would like @Trizek-WMF to weigh in on this.

We have two possibilities:

  • create a tag to highlight history fusions or pages undeletions. Maybe something like page moves?
  • not highlight them, but have people unaware of the operation, which may be a problem is the operation has been done off the records.

We will keep an eye on this and see if other users run into the same challenges.