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Incorrect links to source maps in Swagger-UI
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DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:
DevTools failed to parse SourceMap:

I think it could be useful for future debugging related to Swagger UI to correct the URLs.

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Clearly, the links are incorrect, the /api/rest_v1/ is missing. I think it's related to how we're replacing paths in swaggerUI.js in hyperswitch. @Clarakosi was working on it a lot recently, she should be able to have a look.

Looks like it has something to do with the base path. Will look at it later today/tomorrow.

mobrovac triaged this task as Medium priority.
mobrovac subscribed.

The issue has been fixed in hyperswitch PR #102. However, note that the fix is available in v0.12.1, and RESTBase is currently using v0.11.x, so the fix will become visible only once we switch RESTBase to OpenAPI v3 (to happen by the end of the Q, but not in the next couple of weeks).