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Serve skin customizations for Matrix instance
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The Riot instance included with fetches some custom content from configurable URLs:

  • the logo
  • content for the welcome page (shown before login)
  • an image for the welcome page
  • content for the home page (shown after login)

These need to be created, and made available. Maybe on Wikimedia Cloud or (Not sure if there are security implications or the content gets sanitized somehow before displayed in the user's browser. For the purpose of the test we won't have anything sensitive on anyway.) They need CORS accept headers set so the client running at can load them.

Event Timeline

Change 522991 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza; owner: Gergő Tisza):
[operations/puppet@production] Allow CORS access to publichtml (

Change 522991 merged by Filippo Giunchedi:
[operations/puppet@production] Allow CORS access to publichtml (

I have verified that customizing the skin works, despite the management interface claiming it doesn't (need to make a bug report about that).

Tgr claimed this task.

The custom welcome snippet is served from for the time being (and can be tracked via ). If that gets annoying it can be moved to a more collaborative location, but I doubt it will need to be changed often (probably just once when T230532: Write documentation about the Matrix trial itself is done).

The home page does not exist by default (it adds an extra landing page + menu item, like shown here), there did not seem much point in adding one. (KDE's homepage, for reference.)
The background image could be replaced if someone has suggestions for a good Wikimedia-specific one but I couldn't think of any; the default one looks nice anyway.