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Add hidden <input> to store WikiLoves country subcategory on the Participate page
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The hidden <input> form elements should be optional. They will be left blank unless a country subcategory has been chosen on the Campaign page.

As we have two forms on the Participate page (depicts and captions), we will have to add a hidden element to each form.

We should add the same class to each of them (e.g. "country-subcategory-input") so that we can easily complete them with JQuery in the client side.

/Note: When a country sub-category has been chosen on the Campaign page, the Participate page URL will have the selected country appended (e.g. ?country=Nigeria). This is then used on the client side to populate hidden form elements./

To summarise,

  • Hidden <input> elements added to both the depicts and caption forms, used for storing the country sub category if it's been selected.
  • They will be populated on the client side, and remain there for the entire participation session (submitted with every save action)

Event Timeline

Eugene233 moved this task from Pending to Backlog on the ISA board.

Change 511885 had a related patch set uploaded (by Eugene233; owner: Eugene233):
[labs/tools/Isa@master] Add hidden <input> to store WikiLoves country subcategory on the Participate page

Change 511885 merged by jenkins-bot:
[labs/tools/Isa@master] Add hidden <input> to store WikiLoves country subcategory on the Participate page