When adding a missing link, it is not always easy to find which is the right page name to point to, and how to deal with name collisions (i.e., if a page with the same name, about the same topic or not, exists).
T197787 is focused on improving the way Content translation finds a better candidate name for the target page (instead of just using the source page name). This ticket is a follow-up to ask users to confirm the target link name in cases where a better name could not be found or the page already exists in the target wiki.
(For more context, check the original task T197787, the relevant parts for this task are copied below:)
When a page name cannot be found automatically using Wikidata or MT
If there is no Wikidata label for the target language or machine translation available (i.e., "copy from source" approach is used), the source link target will be kept for the translation, but the user will be able to edit/confirm as if the link tool were used. In the example, the "lemons" link will be transferred to German as "lemons", and the link card will show the non-existing "Lemon" page for the user to select. In this case the user will have to correct both the label and link target. An example sequence for this case is illustrated below.
What if there is already another page with the selected title?
Some of the approaches described in T197787 should find a red link that is applied automatically. However, it is possible that the page title found is already taken by an existing article (which may or may not be the equivalent one). In such cases, the user is given the option to edit/confirm the link target.
As illustrated above, it is possible that even though "Lemon" in English is equivalent to "Zitron" in German, there is also an unrelated "Lemon" article in German. If we decide that the right target for the red link in German is "Lemon", it won't be possible to create such red link because the article is not missing.
In the case that an article (or redirect) already exists for the intended target, the result of clicking "mark as missing" won't be creating a red link directly. Instead, the insert link box will be opened with the intended text as search term. In this way the user can modify it (e.g., making it "Lemon (fruit)" instead) to create the appropriate red link (or link to the article if it happens to exist in the target language). The expected result is shown below: