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Enquire about framadate timezone handling status
Closed, DeclinedPublic


@Quiddity mentioned he uses as an alternative to Doodle. Unfortunately that open source software does not have support for multiple timezones. is the task, self assigned a week ago by Thomas Citharel. He happens to live in the city next to @hashar so should try to reach out to him and see what is going on on that front :-]

Event Timeline

@hashar: Who is supposed to work on this / Is there a team interested about this task?

(Assigning to hashar, as I think that's what the description says)

Yes that is definitely a self task :-]

The task has been assigned upstream, I looked up at the user a couple weeks ago and found him to be in vacations. That is something we often do in France haha. Will poke him when he is back.

greg subscribed.

This isn't really a Release-Engineering-Team task, afaict? This looks like a favor due to proximity, not knowledge/use driven.

This could live in a #user- project but it doesn't fit in Release-Engineering-Team's world.

That followed up some discussion on IRC. In the end I do not have that much envy/passion to advocate the idea to upstream. Sorry @Quiddity :/

Can this be re-opened to document ongoing interest within the Wikimedia user community and Wikimedia Foundation for time-zone support via an open-source scheduling app?

The referenced issue ( continues to show user interest over time, and proposed code and approaches, but no developer commitment on their end.

The Elections Committee has started scheduling meetings with the Wikimedia Toolforge instance of framadate: Wudele (

Lack of timezone support seems both problematic and easy to resolve, at least in a simplistic way, as suggested in the issue.

It is written in PHP, which of course Wikimedia has extensive experience in.
And I guess that the current issue is about a different version of the software than what Wikimedia is hosting.

So this seems like an appropriate place to document interest, and prioritize a solution.

@NealMcB I have filed this task as a placeholder following a discussion I had with @Quiddity. Since there was a task upstream ( Framadate issue 158 ) and the task got assigned to someone just a week before our chat, I felt that maybe I could try to convince upstream to implement the feature for @Quiddity .

In practice I was too ambitious and could not take the additional workload to move forward, test an unknown software or simply work on that task and I went to decline it.

Since this Phabricator task was merely for tracking effort that should happen upstream and given the Wikimedia Foundation does not use Framadate, I don't think there is a point in reopening this task. However if you are interested in the feature you can assist Upstream directly on their task or reach out to the maintainer of Wudele toolforge project who might have an interest in moving forward with upstream.