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Fix button accessibility of emojis in User Feedback gadget
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(Hmm, where is the task about deploying that gadget on ?)

Have the current emojis been tested with screen readers?

$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-up"' +
    'class="thumbs thumbs-up">👍</a>' );
$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-down"' +
    'class="thumbs thumbs-down">👎</a>' );

As I do not have rights to edit , I guess it could be something like this?:

$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-up"' +
    'role="img" aria-label="Yes" class="thumbs thumbs-up">👍</a>' );
$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-down"' +
    'role="img" aria-label="No" class="thumbs thumbs-down">👎</a>' );

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Aklapper renamed this task from Fix button accessiblity of User Feedback gadget to Fix button accessibility of User Feedback gadget.Jun 6 2019, 4:09 PM

Just to add to the task description, which is already pointing into a good direction. A good overview on the accessible use of emojis can be found in Ashley Sheridan's article. Two things should be amended:

$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-up"' +
    ' class="thumbs thumbs-up"><span role="img" aria-label="Thumbs up">👍</span></a>' );
$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-down"' +
    'class="thumbs thumbs-down"><span role="img" aria-label="Thumbs down">👎</span></a>' );
  • An element with an inherent role shouldn't be overridden with another role. In this case the anchor already carries link and the role="img should be provided to a span within wrapping the actual emoji. With this, the screen reader exposes it as a link carrying an image which reads “Thumbs up” or “Thumbs down”
  • “Yes” or “No” didn't seem sufficient to me without having all the context of the gadget. The aria-label should be short, but descriptive.

@Aklapper @Volker_E Thanks for pointing that! Article was a good one :)

@Quiddity Could you help update the code in my gadget on Wikitech: with:

$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-up"' +
    ' class="thumbs thumbs-up"><span role="img" aria-label="Thumbs up">👍</span></a>' );
$( '#mw-userfeedback-form' ).append( '<a id="mw-userfeedback-thumbs-down"' +
    'class="thumbs thumbs-down"><span role="img" aria-label="Thumbs down">👎</span></a>' );

@Quiddity Could you help update the code in my gadget on Wikitech

Nope! You need an Interface Admin to edit any .js/.css files in that namespace. :-)

@Quiddity Could you help update the code in my gadget on Wikitech

Nope! You need an Interface Admin to edit any .js/.css files in that namespace. :-)


@bd808 @Krinkle Could one of you help? :)

Aklapper renamed this task from Fix button accessibility of User Feedback gadget to Fix button accessibility of emojis in User Feedback gadget.Jun 12 2019, 9:31 AM