We need to document more information on the taxonomy as part of the editorial process.
- What are the initial categories?
- How do you suggest new categories?
- How do Categories and tags work across the Blog and Discuss features?
We need to document more information on the taxonomy as part of the editorial process.
@mcruzWMF I consider the first question in the task resolved. They are now documented in the editorial guidelines and enabled in the blog editing interface.
For the second question in this task I'm going to start a Discuss thread that talks about the current categories and give folks to suggest other categories. We'll then link this on the blog in the sidebar as "How to suggest new categories".
I'd say that first we need to agree on the question about whether Blog and Discuss categories should match or not. If they should, then this is a bit more complex than agreeing on categories for the Blog If they shouldn't, no problem.
The categories are documented on Meta: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Space/Editorial_guidelines#Content_categories_and_tags
With the shift away from Space to a new home for the community blog I'm declining this task for now. We'll have to revisit the taxonomy for the community blog.