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Create a "my first React app" tutorial for Toolforge
Open, Needs TriagePublic


For this task, you need to be able to express yourself in English and spell correctly. (A few typos are still okay, of course!) :)

This task consists of two subtasks:


React seems to be so popular these days and choice of many developers! Two of our GSoC developers expressed the challenges they faced due to lack of documentation around hosting a React app in Toolforge: I'm wondering if a tutorial similar to the ones listed in the See also section below would make sense or help.

See also

Event Timeline

@Rammanojpotla documented the steps (link coming soon!) followed to host WikiContrib (a React app) on Toolforge.

If a tutorial on this topic makes sense, then it could be made a Google-Code-in-2019 task!

I think this would be in line with ongoing documentation improvements to Toolforge.

A related task would be looking for gaps in tutorials and creating Phab tasks or stubs for them, or gathering real developer stories/experience as examples (this is an ask that comes up frequently).

The "how-to" page could use many more examples:

@Rammanojpotla documented the steps (link coming soon!) followed to host WikiContrib (a React app) on Toolforge.

If a tutorial on this topic makes sense, then it could be made a Google-Code-in-2019 task!

@srishakatux The document is currently hosted here. If this task is included in Google-Code-in-2019, I would like to mentor this :)

How can I request this activity??

@Ajuanca I'm not sure what you mean by requesting the activity. Could you explain?