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Update WMSE statutes with regards to organisational member voting rights
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Per T230863#5441913:
As the statutes of WMSE allows organisations to vote there is a technical loophole allowing a single member to act as a proxy for multiple organisations. To close this loophole there are a couple of suggestions below. Each should be added to §3 Årsmöte:

Suggestion 1: Organisations can not vote. Change the first sentence of the third paragraph from Varje medlem har en röst. to Varje fysisk medlem har en röst.

Suggestion 2: You can only proxy one organisation. Add the following to the end of the third paragraph. En fysiska person får enbart rösta som ombud för en organisation.
This can technically give this member two votes (one as the organisation and one as the individual). If we want to limit this to a single vote the phrasing could be:

Suggestion 3: You can vote either as an individual or as an organisation. Add the following to the end of the third paragraph. En fysiska person får enbart rösta som ombud för en organisation eller som individ.

Event Timeline

Lokal_Profil added subscribers: Jopparn, Historiker.

I'll ping this in an e-mail to the two of you. So far I'm doing this as a member rather than an employee.

Lokal_Profil claimed this task.
Lokal_Profil moved this task from 🏖️ Non-WMSE to ☑️ Done on the User-LokalProfil board.

(Lokal_Profil added this to the AGM motions during todays lunchbreak)