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GWToolset needs 'editToken' replaced with 'csrfToken'
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GWToolset needs 'editToken' replaced with 'csrfToken' in a resources/js/ext.gwtoolset.js file.

Event Timeline

Change 538428 had a related patch set uploaded (by TheSandDoctor; owner: TheSandDoctor):
[mediawiki/extensions/GWToolset@master] GWToolset: Replace deprecated editToken with csrfToken

wrong_branch.PNG (314×977 px, 25 KB)

I am clearly on a separate branch, yet in git's infinite wisdom it decides now to make the commit on master. I am thoroughly confused. Will have to redo my vagrant again I guess so that I get new .git folders.

wrong_branch.PNG (314×977 px, 25 KB)

I am clearly on a separate branch, yet in git's infinite wisdom it decides now to make the commit on master. I am thoroughly confused. Will have to redo my vagrant again I guess so that I get new .git folders.

T233527 is your local branch, but git will push patch per default on master as you cloned repository which is in master branch.

In T233527#5513773, @Zoranzoki21 wrote:

wrong_branch.PNG (314×977 px, 25 KB)

I am clearly on a separate branch, yet in git's infinite wisdom it decides now to make the commit on master. I am thoroughly confused. Will have to redo my vagrant again I guess so that I get new .git folders.

T233527 is your local branch, but git will push patch per default on master as you cloned repository which is in master branch.

Apparently I never noticed that somehow......nevermind.

Change 538428 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GWToolset@master] GWToolset: Replace deprecated editToken with csrfToken