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Comments about variables depending on $wgScriptPath are confusing or wrong
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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 21 2014, 10:49 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz21590.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

veryfurryfur wrote:

Proposed patch, in accordance with discussion on mediawiki-l

attachment DefaultSettings.php.patch ignored as obsolete

Please attach a patch in unified diff format.

veryfurryfur wrote:

Proposed patch, this time in unified format

attachment DefaultSettings.php.patch ignored as obsolete

Tweaked summary to be more specific.

Also: not really liking that patch. All you're adding is "in Setup.php" to all of the comments. While it does clarify the situation to some degree, it's still not massively helpful--most people don't know our setup order and saying "in Setup.php" is meaningless to them.

veryfurryfur wrote:

I respectfully revert the summary, since some parts are actually wrong.
Please following the links in the description for all the details.

All you're adding is "in Setup.php" to all of the comments.

This is incorrect, please look more carefully.

veryfurryfur wrote:

Hello - any reason why this has not been integrated yet? Thanks.

*Bulk BZ Change: +Patch to open bugs with patches attached that are missing the keyword*

sumanah wrote:

Ichiro, I'm sorry to say that your patch no longer applies against Subversion trunk (I am thus marking it reviewed). Would you be interested in coming into MediaWiki-General on FreeNode IRC and discussing the problem and coming up with an approach for a new patch? Thanks!

Created attachment 9398
Re-based patch against trunk

I went ahead and re-based the patch against trunk, it took about a minute :)


Went ahead and committed (albeit by accident) in r102532.