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Private filters are not accessible via API unless the site's web interface is first loaded
Closed, InvalidPublicBUG REPORT


I just got the global abusefilter helper right which lets me access private abuse filters globally. I used the API to access these filters and found that most wiktionary, a few wikisource, and a couple of wikipedia sites return only public filters back. To access private filters, I need to access these sites via the web interface first (say, and then re-run the script.

Steps to Reproduce:

0. (Granted a right to view private abusefilters)

  1. Login to the API with botpasswords
  2. Access a private abusefilter

Actual Results:

Private filters on some sites don't have any "pattern" field.

Expected Results:

They should have the "pattern" field.


This looks like a caching issue to me.

Event Timeline

Just thinking out loud here: If you're looking at filters from many different wikis, it is very likely that you'll come across wikis you've never visited before. And if you've never visited a certain wiki before, you do not have an account there yet. And if you do not yet have an account there, you can not be in any of the local groups and therefore not have any advanced permissions yet. Could this be what's happening here? (Note: I am not a MediaWiki developer, and I am not familiar with bot passwords)

Just thinking out loud here: If you're looking at filters from many different wikis, it is very likely that you'll come across wikis you've never visited before. And if you've never visited a certain wiki before, you do not have an account there yet. And if you do not yet have an account there, you can not be in any of the local groups and therefore not have any advanced permissions yet. Could this be what's happening here? (Note: I am not a MediaWiki developer, and I am not familiar with bot passwords)

This is also my immediate guess. Finding an affected wiki, autocreating the account via the API and then trying to query the filters again should tell us if this is indeed the case.

Ah, I see. Closing as invalid then.