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Campaign tools in Matomo
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I couldn't find a task for the upcoming campaign for, so I'll just dump some things, that could be relevant, that I came across when setting up Matomo. Note that this is by no means exhaustive.

Event Timeline

Unless I misunderstand all we need to do for campaings to start is to start using it in referring urls. I made a quick test with ?pk_campaign=testar but looks like none of my attempts even showed up as visits to the site...

Matomo suggests installing the free plugin MarketingCampaignsReporting to get more control over campaigns.

Did you add a goal in Matomo? I tried adding one (Test) and it registers visits to Make sure that you allow tracking when testing.

Lokal_Profil added a subscriber: Jenny_Brandt_WMSE.

Moving this to WMSE-Tools-for-Partnerships-2020 since it might still be of interest to see impact of donation drives.

@Jenny_Brandt_WMSE SO that you are aware of this