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Clicking files doesn't open the image in media viewer or go to the file page
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Media viewer doesn't work on MinervaNeue when I click images in Media Wiki 1.3.3. It's showing this error in console in Firefox: TypeError: mobile.mediaViewer is undefined

And in Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'overlay' of undefined

When I click the image, the link does not work, but instead does a call to the article URL followed by #/media/Filename with nothing else happening.

Example page

Event Timeline

Media viewer is not available in mobile. I believe they solved the Minerva desktop issue in T227034: Multimedia viewer does not open for Minerva desktop images.

Is there any way to add their patch to 1.33.1? I tried manually adding their fix from here: but it breaks the table of contents and section collapsing because "currentPageHTMLParser is not a function". Then I tried updating MobileFrontEnd and Minerva to the master versions but they require 1.34.

It defeats the purpose of the galleries on the mobile site if people can't click to enlarge them.

Edit: I managed to make the images go to their file page when clicked by commenting out all of the media viewer code from init.js in Minerva. Better than nothing.

CC @Jdlrobson. I've no idea how this works. (:
Media viewer works fine on MinervaNeue (Desktop). It is not fully available in mobile version.

Your error suggests that you are running an older and incompatible version of MobileFrontend. I'd suggest upgrading both MobileFrontend and Minerva and reporting back. According to your Special:Version MobileFrontend is versioned 3rd September 2019 and Minerva is versioned 10 April 2019 - ideally they should be the same month given the frequency of changes between the two (or use a fixed release for more stability).

This doesn't sound like a bug with the software to me but rather a setup problem - for which may be a better avenue for support.

Aklapper changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Nov 25 2019, 6:24 PM

Setting task status to stalled. @Vishkujo: After you have provided the information asked for and if this still happens, please set the status of this task back to "Open" via the Add Action...Change Status dropdown. Thanks.

@Jdlrobson I installed the stable releases for both of them from ExtensionDistributor and SkinDistributor since those are what are on both pages right now (those are the Sept 3/Apr 10 versions). I can't install updated versions because they require MW 1.34. Do you know which month of commits still uses 1.33?

Please provide git hashes instead of dates, as dates can be on any branch and as a date can have more than one commit...

Do you know which month of commits still uses 1.33?

Please install corresponding git branches, e.g. the REL1_33 branches of extensions if you run MediaWiki 1.33. This has nothing to do with dates or with months.

Please provide git hashes instead of dates, as dates can be on any branch and as a date can have more than one commit...

Do you know which month of commits still uses 1.33?

Please install corresponding git branches, e.g. the REL1_33 branches of extensions if you run MediaWiki 1.33. This has nothing to do with dates or with months.

Like I said, I got them from Extension Distributor and Skin Distributor since that's what the download links on the pages takes me to. Those are the same as the REL1_33 releases. (91eb242) and (1903d1a)

I only mentioned dates because that's what Jdlrobson said. I also have the MultimediaViewer extension which I think may be conflicting with Minerva.

Aklapper changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Dec 7 2019, 11:43 PM