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Track source of in-app Wikidata description edits
Closed, ResolvedPublic4 Estimated Story Points


In the current instrumentation it's easy enough to count how many image captions users (who have opted in to sharing usage data) are publishing by just counting how many action = 'saved' AND wikidataDescriptionEdit IN('new', 'existing') AND pageNS = 'File' events there are – for example:

  "schema": "MobileWikiAppEdit",
  "revision": 18115551,
  "wiki": "ruwiki",
  "event": {
    "action": "saved",
    "wikidataDescriptionEdit": "new",
    "anon": false,
    "pageNS": "File",
    "client_dt": "2019-12-10T16:59:00-0500",
    "app_install_id": "[REDACTED]",
    "session_token": "11372ffc-8c68-4434-b1ce-de391106cd90"

T239706 asks for a breakdown by whether the caption was made from the article view or the gallery module, which is currently not possible.

Proposal: a source field which would have values:

  • "article"
  • "gallery"
  • "suggested edits"

Note: "leadImage" is the source for captions added from the CTA that appears from an article.

(Feel free to edit if there's a place in the app that an image caption could be initiated from that's missing from the list.)

  • I recommend this field to be a flexible string – not an enum – to make it easier to capture additional sources of edits in the future (e.g. "section").
  • For some reason cardClicked events aren't generated when clicking on FeedContentType.SUGGESTED_EDITS cards (but seemingly only those, clicks on other cards seem unaffected).

Event Timeline

@Dbrant For source "suggestedEdits" the pageNS value should be "File" when images are edited, it's currently in upper case "FILE" and doesn't match the rest of the pageNS values for other sources.

I can query with an OR statement so this isn't a blocker, just a heads up.