- Our uploader lacks a select dropdown like what people have at https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload). For starters, lets just copy that element from Special:Upload and export it to our HTML file ? (from
- You can either copy the element completely using your browser view-source of the page https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Upload or can copy paste it from the listing at https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Licenses
Setup Guide for GCI students
This is a Google Code In task.
You have to setup the python-django tool Gdrive to Commons locally to start with contributing. We host our code on Github, so the change should come in as a pull request to https://github.com/tonythomas01/gdrive_to_commons. Steps to contribute are similar to Pull request workflow. Or, you can rely on the following:
- Create a local fork of https://github.com/tonythomas01/gdrive_to_commons using your account.
- Create a branch with the phabricator task name from origin/master. For eg, git checkout -b T55445 origin/master. Make sure to update your local branch by git pull --rebase or whatever necessary before creating a branch.
- Fix the issue you are solving.
- Commit it (git commit -m "What you fixed goes here")
- Push it to your Github fork of the repo (git push -u origin HEAD)
- Later, create a pull request to https://github.com/tonythomas01/gdrive_to_commons from Github with your changes.
- Would be pretty cool if you also paste your pull request link on your phabricator task so people know that things are moving.