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Make adding a translation faster, with search in the bar
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Adding translations to senses of lexemes is quite slow. There doesn't seem to be autofill, so the number and sense (e.g. L123-S4) need to be fully typed in before you can add a thing or see the label. If you type in a word, it should search the lexemes and find the closest matches, like it does when adding a value for normal items' statements, then have a place to enter the sense number. If it did, this would be a much, much easier feature to add to. Thanks.

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So, when adding or changing a lexeme, it takes a long time for that lexeme / updated lexeme to appear in the search bar?

Addshore—it’s not that it takes much time to load after I find the translation, it’s just that everything would be faster if I could find the translation by typing in the word and then selecting the sense from some sort of menu or something. It’s slow to copy and paste all the codes between a bunch of pages I want to link to each other. Thanks! BTW, how do I reply? Does this notify you?

Thanks! BTW, how do I reply? Does this notify you?


Adding translations to senses of lexemes is quite slow.

I'm still try to figure out exactly which edit your making and where.
So, adding more glosses to a sense?