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PTF Checkbox does not align right to left on Desktop Small Banner
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It was noticed during testing today that the Pay The Fee checkbox does not align from right to left in languages that are oriented in this fashion.

PTFNotRightOriented.png (646×709 px, 59 KB)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Observe checkbox is still on the left side of the banner

Expected Results:
The PTF checkbox should appear on the right side of the banner in languages that are written from right to left

Actual Results:
Currently the PTF checkbox does not align to the right side of the banner in languages written from right to left

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Updating priority to P3 since Big Bundle campaign needs this, but only affects one country

@jbolorinos-ctr This should be fixed now, please can you confirm?

I also double checked and it appears RTL languages don't need to mirror the checkmark itself, or at least we don't in the standard MediaWiki interface.

Hey @Pcoombe

That's so interesting, so the checkbox must be aligned RTL but not the checkmark itself? So weird!!!

Anyways, I was able to verify the checkbox is aligned RTL on Desktop Large now, but not on Desktop Small unfortunately. Can we please update that code as well to align the checkbox?

No problem Peter! This is why it's good practice to verify these fixes! :)

image.png (814×1 px, 165 KB)

I've now verified this fix on Desktop Small, so closing this as Resolved now.