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Civi: same Ingenico recurring donation displayed twice
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Sandra spotted this case: Contact ID: 26843634 shows the same donation twice.

4002012407 and 000000657040020124070000200001 each get separate line items on September 13th, 2019, but if you search at Ingenico, there is only one donation for September on the card. If this is a one-off it's no big deal, but if it's broader in scale it could complicate reconciliations at the least. Could someone check to see whether this is an isolated case? A donor pointed this out because they saw the 'extra' donation listed in their annual summary email.

A breadcrumb? One of the Sep 13 donations, 4002012407, appears to have processed as the initial donation of a recurring because it has a Thank-You email sent stamp.

Event Timeline

MBeat33 triaged this task as High priority.Jan 15 2020, 7:51 PM
MBeat33 updated the task description. (Show Details)

Hmm - 3 years on - not sure if there is much we can do with this - maybe it was a one-off?

We didn't see the issue recur with the EoY TY email sends for 2021 + 2022, so the one-off theory makes sense. I'm fine w/closing unless there's any other reason to keep it open @Eileenmcnaughton