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Some articles time out at nowiki when logged in: Error: 504, Connection Timed Out
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When logged in it seems like the article w:no:Narvik sometimes fails. For me it fails in Firefox, but as it times out on the server I doubt it has anything to do with the browser. If it loads, and I try to go to history and then the first diff, like this diff, then it nearly always fail.

It is likely there is a task already on this. When I reported this at wikimedia-ops I was told that the bug was known, but no task provided. Today I asked again in wikimedia-tech, and no reply.

I'm in Norway, using Firefox 72.0.2 on Ubu 19.10.

I guess the following will be as non-logged in

$ mtr -bwc 10
Start: 2020-02-08T14:27:33+0100
HOST: hydra                                           Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev

13.|-- (            0.0%    10   44.5  45.4  37.7  55.3   4.6
14.|-- (     0.0%    10   44.8  51.9  38.1  64.4   8.0

I have no further information, but feel free to ask if necessary.

Event Timeline

jeblad renamed this task from Some articles tim outs at nowiki to Some articles time out at nowiki.Feb 8 2020, 1:35 PM
jeblad added a project: Performance Issue.

Hmm, cannot reproduce from Central Europe with any of the given links. What does "time out" mean? A completely blank page and nothing in the "network" tab of the web browser's Developer tools? Or some error message? Please see for describing the actual outcome.

If this might be a connection issue instead of a server issue (not sure), see

Hmm, cannot reproduce from Central Europe with any of the given links. What does "time out" mean? A completely blank page and nothing in the "network" tab of the web browser's Developer tools? Or some error message? Please see for describing the actual outcome.

If this might be a connection issue instead of a server issue (not sure), see

@Aklapper When I want to open page from description of task, it loads very slowly in Serbia. Page isn't big. Maybe reporter thinks on it.

screenshot-narvik-diff-504.png (729×1 px, 70 KB)

Error: 504, Connection Timed Out at 2020-02-08 17:40:55 GMT

$ mtr --report-wide --aslookup --tcp --port 443
Start: 2020-02-08T18:58:25+0100
HOST: hydra                                      Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev

10. AS1299               0.0%    10   43.1  32.0  24.3  48.8   8.8
11. AS1299              0.0%    10   49.6  50.0  35.8  59.1   7.3
12. AS1299              0.0%    10   58.1 149.7  36.9 1061. 320.6
13. AS1299              0.0%    10   46.8  47.4  38.6  52.6   4.3
14. AS14907         0.0%    10   55.2  54.6  34.8  72.5  10.5

Should probably reiterate: the problem is as logged in, it does not seems to exist when requesting troublesome pages as ip-user.

In T244636#5861997, @Zoranzoki21 wrote:

When I want to open page from description of task, it loads very slowly in Serbia. Page isn't big. Maybe reporter thinks on it.

Hi, see what I had written before: Use the "network" tab of the web browser's Developer tools.

Aklapper renamed this task from Some articles time out at nowiki to Some articles time out at nowiki when logged in: Error: 504, Connection Timed Out.Feb 8 2020, 6:52 PM
In T244636#5861997, @Zoranzoki21 wrote:

When I want to open page from description of task, it loads very slowly in Serbia. Page isn't big. Maybe reporter thinks on it.

Hi, see what I had written before: Use the "network" tab of the web browser's Developer tools.

@Aklapper You requested more informations, as in task description wasn't clear what is problem, I told what is possible to be problem.

See T244058#5854041 and:

I forgot to say that the second example in the task description is unrelated. It was discussed with ops earlier today, and my comment can be found at P10304 (NDA paste, just in case).

Yeah, problem and cause are known. I'm unsure how that could be followed up, probably someone should leave a heads-up on nowiki. At least, that's how a similar problem was addressed a few days ago. Leaving up to ops anyway.

jeblad claimed this task.

Probably forgotten.