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Investigate publishing/LMS
Closed, ResolvedPublic10 Estimated Story Points


How will we publish our online educations? Do we need an LMS? Author tool? Other technical solutions.

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Looking into dashboard tools and to see if they fill our needs. Also looking into functions they don't have in order to see if this can be arranged.

WMF has launched as their LMS. WMSE has gotten the possibility of trying the platform and can see no immediate aspects that prevent us from using it. However, some further questions has been asked to the developers, including:

  • Is UTC the standard time, can that be changed or is it connected to the "country" setting, or else? And does that affect when we start or close a course?
  • When using OAuth, the user name from the Wikimedia account is cut off and changed a bit when transferred onto edX. WMSE had the same issue when working on the ISA tool, and both the bug and the solutions are logged in this phabricator task: The problem we discovered was that the system uses the shortened name, which makes it problematic to search for for example who has completed course elements when you know their Wikimedia user name.
  • A third note is around certificates. Will it be integrated with other systems for certificates and badges? For example LinkedIn, open badges etc? Or is it only the ones in edX that will be applied?
  • When trying to select some of the functions under "Advanced" in the "Problems" menu, a message saying "Studio's having trouble saving your work –The Studio servers encountered an error" shows. Other units from the Problems section can still be added, is this an aspect of access or something else?

There is also a general question regarding the long-term investments in the platform.

Arguments for choosing this platform include not hosting it on our own, we can start publishing material on very short notice and we use an open source platform used in other parts of the Wikimedia Movement.

Aklapper subscribed.

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Because WMF provides, we can use that for our online learning.