Status: 24/24 (100%)
This section is reviewed. ✅
- Selenium/Getting Started/Create a simple test
- Selenium/Getting Started/Run tests targeting Beta cluster
- Selenium/Getting Started/Run tests targeting MediaWiki-Docker
This section is reviewed. ✅
- Selenium/How-to/Create the first test in a repository
- Selenium/How-to/Debug with Visual Studio Code
Selenium/How-to/Debug with browser.debug() (empty, out of scope) - Selenium/How-to/Make the browser visible
- Selenium/How-to/Record videos of test runs
Selenium/How-to/Run tests inside MediaWiki-Vagrant (deleted) -
Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting Beta cluster using Sauce Labs (deleted) - Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting MediaWiki-Docker-Dev
- Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting MediaWiki-Docker using Fresh
- Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting MediaWiki-Vagrant
Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting MediaWiki-Vagrant using Sauce Labs (deleted) - Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting Quibble
Selenium/How-to/Run tests targeting local-charts (deleted) - Selenium/How-to/Run tests using Quibble Jenkins job
- Selenium/How-to/Run tests using selenium-daily Jenkins job
Selenium/How-to/Set Environment Variables (empty, out of scope) - Selenium/How-to/Use MediaWiki API
This section is reviewed. ✅
Selenium/Explanation/Anti-patterns (empty, out of scope) -
Selenium/Explanation/Limitations And Known Issues (deleted) -
Selenium/Explanation/Page object pattern (empty, out of scope) -
Selenium/Explanation/Security (empty, out of scope) - Selenium/Explanation/Stack
This section is reviewed. ✅
Empty (or almost empty, draft) pages are out of scope for this task (update to v6), so I have moved them to T278827.