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GSOC 2020 : Develop an editing widget for Proofread Page extension
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Profile Information

Name : Arjumand Mirza
Web Profile:
Location : Pakistan
Typical working hours : 10am to 6pm (GMT+5)


Proofread page extensions allows to get text from scanned image and provides a comparison without duplicating the actual text. It is created by either optical character recognition or by transclusion. The ProofreadPage pagelist creation process is difficult for new users, and not particularly fast for experienced users. The project aims to create a new editing widget which will appear in the existing Index page editing form. It includes:
• The standard (non-editing view) pagelist view of an inline list of page numbers, colour-coded by proofreading status.
• The default view is the same as the <pagelist /> tag with no parameters, i.e. 1-n pages with normal numbering.
• On clicking a number, a thumbnail pops up.
• Under the thumbnail there is a select list of common text labels and a text-input box for numbering.
• The text labels are e.g. 'title', 'ToC', etc. as well as 'roman' for starting roman numbering (returning to Arabic with 'arabic'). Localization of this will need to be figured out.
• The displayed numbering is updated when the popup is closed.

Mentors: @Sam Wilson, @Satdeep Gill


May 4 to June 1Community bonding period.
Learning more about organization as well as the task
• Studying and understanding more about Proofread page extension.
• Installing Wikimedia and extension on local machine.
• Planning the roadmap to add all editing widget properties.
• Structuring all the corresponding tasks.
June 1 to June 5Making all basic installations. Start working on pagelist view of an inline list of page with color-coded proofreading status.
June 6 to June 18Creating a thumbnail option on normal <pagelist /> tag of 1-n pages. By clicking on the thumbnail design and develop a popup. Create 2 text boxes 1 for common text labels and other for text input under the thumbnail option.
June 19 to June 21Testing Round 1: Testing of implemented functions of the widget, unit testing and documentation. Fixing all the bugs from testing.
June 29 to July 3Phase I evaluation
July 4 July 15Text input boxes like title and other labels maintaining roman numbering as well as Arabic numbering sequence. Localization of this will need to be figured out. On popup close event this numbering will be updated on the page but not saved to database. Its state would be maintained in the page.
July 16 to July 26Testing Round 2: Exploratory testing, integration tests and bug fixes and documentation.
July 27 to July 31Phase II evaluation
August 1 to August 15Implementing recommendations from phase evaluation. Checking if the code does not affect the existing functionality.
August 16 to August 23Testing Round 3: testing the robustness of the widget with the new features and bug fixes.
August 24 to August 31Submit the code to mentors.
August 31 to September 7Mentors submit final student evaluations.
September 8Final results of Google Summer of Code 2020 announced


Creating Tasks in Phabricator.
Pagelist view with proofreading status.
Thumbnail creation with popup option
Design and develop popup functionality
Maintain numbering functionality


I will make a new repository on git and maintain two branches. Code will be uploaded to the dev branch periodically and will be merged with the master branch once review and testing is done.
I will be online on Skype in my working hours ( 10:00am to 6:00pm) to collaborate with the mentors.
I will use Phabricator for managing bugs and sub-tasks.
I will be available on Skype to be contacted when needed in the non-working hours.

About Me

Currently I am pursuing MS in Computer Science in the Virtual University, Pakistan. In 2014 I graduated with a Bachelor in Software Engineering from Fatima Jinnah Women University, Pakistan. I am a patient learner and like to work in collaboration. To me dedication to one's work is the primary ingredient of satisfaction. This is my first participation in GSoC. During the summer GSoC will be my first priority since I won't have any other commitments during this period.

I have been contributing to Wikipedia as a translator for some time now. I am inspired and thrilled by the vision of wikipedia of making contents available in every natural language. I think contributing to wikimedia will impact the world in a very positive manner. At the same time for me it will push the horizon even farther by letting me collaborate with the excellent wikimedia community members. Most importantly I will be making something that will make the world's largest free encyclopedia, among other wikimedia sites, richer in content and organization.

Past Experience

I have a lot of contributions in web applications. My area of expertise are responsive web applications, Rest APIs, Process automation and bots, Data scrapping and E-commerce. I have experience in working with C++, PHP (Zend, CodeIgniter, Wordpress) ,Python, HTML, CSS among others. Among databases I mostly worked on mysql, Oracle DB and SQL Server.


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Event Timeline

@arjumand_mirza Hi! Thanks for your participation. Your proposal is currently missing a few key points, such as if you have already contacted the mentors, if you've contributed to any Wikimedia projects during the application phase, etc. See the pre-populated template for the proposal in step 10 here

thanks for your feedback. i have not contributed in any Wikimedia project
neither did i contact any of the mentors. thanks

Pavithraes subscribed.

@arjumand_mirza We are sorry to say that we could not allocate a slot for you this time. Please do not consider the rejection to be an assessment of your proposal. We received over 100 quality applications, and we could only accept 14 students. We were not able to give all applicants a slot that would have deserved one, and these were some very tough decisions to make. Please know that you are still a valued member of our community and we by no means want to exclude you. Many students who we did not accept in 2019 have become Wikimedia maintainers, contractors and even GSoC students and mentors this year!

If you would like a de-brief on why your proposal was not accepted, please let me know as a reply to this comment or on the ‘Feeback on Proposals’ topic of the Zulip stream #gsoc20-outreachy20. I will respond to you within a week or so. :)

Your ideas and contributions to our projects are still welcome! As a next step, you could consider finishing up any pending pull requests or inform us that someone has to take them over. Here is the recommended place for you to get started as a newcomer:

If you would still be eligible for GSoC next year, we look forward to your participation!