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Expand mobile-html processing time performance testing
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Background information

It'd be helpful to ensure processing time performance doesn't regress as we make changes to mobile-html. There's currently one test case for enwiki > United States, but it should be made more extensive to cover a variety of articles on a variety of languages.


A test suite that tests processing performance of the service separate from any network response time or external concerns.


  • Store the network responses required for processing a given set of 50 articles from the top 10 language wikipedias, 5 from each wiki. The project already uses sepia in some places, so ideally re-use that if it fits the purpose of being able to record the network responses.
  • Measure the processing time for those articles in tests, both by ensuring that the processing doesn't block the event loop for more than 200ms and by ensuring that the total processing time is less than 1s for the test environment.
  • Depending on how long the tests take, separate the suite into a limited set that runs on every patch and a more extensive suite that can be run on command

Event Timeline

If we end up using sepia we should probably considering T182459 as part of this. Sepia hasn't been maintained in a long time.