We are conducting a survey on what kind of Polish related stuff there is in the Estonian GLAM institutions (and Wikimedia Polska will get the results into Polish). It should result in a virtual exhibition describing the Estonian-Polish connections throughout the time.
The original goal was to also physically go around and photograph different artifacts in the museums and archives, but due to the current situation, this may not be possible. We have also scrapped the idea of having one Polish Wikipedian visiting Estonia as international travel is not realistic within the coming months.
Contacts from the Polish side are Celina Strzelecka (Wikimedia Polska) and user PuchaczTrado (Polish Wikipedia).
In Estonia, there is a team of 4. The group is lead by Carlos Kleimann.
We have contacted the Polish embassy in Estonia and they are ready to provide help.
Results should be up by June 2020.
Future follow-up project could also be to look for Estonian related stuff from Polish museums and archives.
This project here should also serve as an example to other similar projects with other countries. Why not have a review of historical documents with the Danes, look into the information related to Estonian war refugees in Sweden or put together a virtual exhibition about Russian art in the collections of Estonian museums?
Eesmärk on koostada ülevaade Poolaga seotud materjalidest Eesti mäluasutuste kogudes ja jagada seda poolakatega ning moodustada kogutud andmetest virtuaalnäitus. Seejuures peaks see toimima näidisprojektina teiste samalaadsete ettevõtmiste tarbeks ning seda saaks jätkata ka Poola poole pealt (nö Lembitu kolju projekt).
Poolas on meie partner Wikimedia Polska. Nende poolt aitab meid üks poola vikipedist.
Eestis tegeleb ülesandega neljaliikmeline meeskond, mida veab Carlos Kleimann.
Ühendust on võetud ka Poola saatkonnaga Eestis, kes on samuti teada andnud enda valmisolekust panustada.
Tähtaeg on juuni 2020.