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HTML text input elements used in OOUI draggable lack click interaction
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


When using a HTML text input field or a textarea inside of an OOUI custom object using the OO.ui.mixin.DraggableElement mixin I can not probably interact with the text using the mouse. I can click inside the field but I can not mark text with the mouse or move the courser with the mouse. Tested on in FF 75.0 & FF 68.7 ESR on Ubuntu 18.04 and IE 11 on Windows 7.

It seems to work in Chromium 80.0.3987.163 though.

Steps to Reproduce:

  • use one of the browsers mentioned above
  • go to the OOUI demo page at
  • scroll down to the section with the draggable demos
  • use the browser debug console to interactivly add a <textarea> with content to one of the items
  • try to interact with the text in the text area using mouse clicks (e.g. doublick to mark the text)

Actual Results:
The text will not be marked and the courser can not be moved by clicking with the mouse.

Expected Results:
You can mark the text or move the courser in the text using only the mouse.

Event Timeline

Slightly off-topic, I see lots of QUnit tests for oojs-ui, but no browser tests. Including browser tests would help guard against regressions. I've also discovered that the draggable element is impossible to for us to test under WebdriverIO (4, 5, or 6), and as a consequence our feature based on OOUI doesn't have browser tests either. Ensuring that our standard library is testable would be really great for downstream users such as our team!