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PetScan problem: 504 Gateway Time-out
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The tool PetScan

which is very useful for

  • creating new Wikidata objects for unconnected items or
  • adding statements to existing Wikidata objects

for example, returns a "504 Gateway Time-out" since 8th of April.

It has been working again in between several times, but failed again every time after a short period.

Also see

Is it possible to check/restart, ... this tool?

Thanks a lot!

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2020-04-30T21:03:39Z] <bd808> Killed apparently hung process on petscan4.petscan.eqiad.wmflabs (T251567)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2020-04-30T21:04:33Z] <bd808> Started a screen as magnus and then ~magnus/petscan/ inside it (T251567)

bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 added subscribers: Framawiki, bd808.

Restarted after @Framawiki asked on IRC.

Soon after the restart, the cpu usage on petscan4 (which handles the frontend webservice) stepped back up to 100%, where it's been sitting for the better part of the last 3-4 days. Unfortunately, it looks like this will take intervention from Magnus to resolve.

Restarted it now.
I am also working on a watcher script to restart it automatically when it goes down.