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Archive the empty Gerrit repository mediawiki/extensions/AuthenticatedKeyValueStore
Closed, ResolvedPublicRequest


Repo for extension AuthenticatedKeyValueStore is created before 1 year and 4 months per

I can't find documentation on

What we should do?

Event Timeline

Aklapper renamed this task from Empty repository of AuthenticatedKeyValueStore for long time to Archive the empty Gerrit repository mediawiki/extensions/AuthenticatedKeyValueStore.Jul 27 2020, 11:25 AM
Aklapper added a project: Projects-Cleanup.

Change 616499 had a related patch set uploaded (by MarcoAurelio; owner: MarcoAurelio):
[mediawiki/extensions@master] [AuthenticatedKeyValueStore] Archive extension

Change 616499 merged by MarcoAurelio:
[mediawiki/extensions@master] [AuthenticatedKeyValueStore] Archive extension

MarcoAurelio triaged this task as Medium priority.
MarcoAurelio moved this task from Untriaged to Archive extensions on the Projects-Cleanup board.
MarcoAurelio changed the subtype of this task from "Task" to "Administrative Request".

Done. It was just the repo and the submodule on MediaWiki that had to be taken care of. Both done.

GitHub mirror: "wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-AuthenticatedKeyValueStore" was successfully deleted.

Pppery subscribed.

Tests still need to be removed from integration/config.

Change 619786 had a related patch set uploaded (by Umherirrender; owner: Umherirrender):
[integration/config@master] Archive AuthenticatedKeyValueStore

Change 619786 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] Archive AuthenticatedKeyValueStore

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2020-08-13T09:33:52Z] <James_F> Zuul: Archive mediawiki/extensions/AuthenticatedKeyValueStore T252864

Kizule added a subscriber: Pppery.

Tests still need to be removed from integration/config.

This is now done, closing task again.