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Invite some keynotes to host awesome talks
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We should send some invitations to some keynotes to host some awesome talks, or send some greetings to the itWikiCon 2020 community.

Some random names from community corridors:

Event Timeline

Ferdi2005 renamed this task from IWC2020: to Invitare persone famose a tenere un talk.May 28 2020, 7:28 PM
Ferdi2005 created this task.
Ferdi2005 updated the task description. (Show Details)
Ferdi2005 added a subscriber: Ilario.
Ferdi2005 renamed this task from Invitare persone famose a tenere un talk to Invitare special guests a tenere un talk.May 28 2020, 8:10 PM
Ferdi2005 triaged this task as Low priority.
Ferdi2005 updated the task description. (Show Details)

(@Aklapper sorry us but, why this task was marked under the Design space? I'm not able to edit this task. Thank you.)

(I'm really sorry. I think I clicked on the wrong button, can you edit that, @Aklapper? Thank you really much. )

RhinosF1 changed the subtype of this task from "Design" to "Task".May 28 2020, 8:15 PM
RhinosF1 subscribed.

(I'm really sorry. I think I clicked on the wrong button, can you edit that, @Aklapper? Thank you really much. )

Not @Aklapper but the task seems editable but i’ve reset it to task. What error do you get?

Please don’t remove others from subscribers

Questi non sono special guests ma sono relatori come gli altri

valerio.bozzolan renamed this task from Invitare special guests a tenere un talk to Invite some keynotes to host awesome talks.May 28 2020, 10:08 PM
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)
valerio.bozzolan updated the task description. (Show Details)

Durante la riunione E1208 si è fatto un elenco delle persone papabili da chiamare:

valerio.bozzolan moved this task from Backlog to Done on the itWikiCon-2020 board.

Well, thanks Ilario for your awesome contribution on this part!