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Handling failed requests to the federation source Wiki when formatting edit summaries
Closed, ResolvedPublic8 Estimated Story Points


Currently, any failed request to the source Wiki will result in the target Wikibase entering an error state. This behavior is the case even in non-critical situations such as displaying property labels on the revision history page for an item. Please note when discussing this story that a similar issue exists on the Special:RecentChanges page and diff pages when the federation source wiki is unavailable.

If displaying federated properties is not possible when loading an edit summary due to a failed call to the source Wiki, then we should format the edit summaries differently, displaying only PIDs rather than displaying an error page.

Given My connection to the source Wiki is unavailable
When I load a revision history page or recent changes page that involves statements with federated properties
Then the page loads without labels for the properties, just linked PIDs.

Note: This should be testable using ModHeader in the test system.

Estimated Remainder

Event Timeline

Samantha_Alipio_WMDE renamed this task from Handling failed requests to the federation source Wiki when loading item history page to Handling failed requests to the federation source Wiki when formatting edit summaries.Jun 25 2020, 12:26 PM
Samantha_Alipio_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)
Samantha_Alipio_WMDE set the point value for this task to 8.
Addshore subscribed.

Moved this to product verification for now (to get it out of peer review) despite the fact I also just added another sub task.
Perhaps, in that case, it should be hidden from the current sprint for now? ;)

Can't verify the behavior and have moved this back into peer review. Here's what I find:

Revision History page

  • With modheader off: Revision history pages now display all properties as deleted and linked to a non-existent local page (this is not the expected behavior per resolved story T249836)
  • With modheader on: the behavior is the same, which does not conform to the BDD