This task is a high level placeholder to remember us to check the following (for an-coord1001):
- Are 32G of RAM still enough? The current usage seems indicating that the host it too crowded. We have oozie (2G jvm heap), presto (4G jvm heap), hive (server 8G jvm heap, metastore 4G heap), mariadb (4G of innodb buffer usage + some space more for mariadb's internals).
- What is our plan if the host goes down and requires extended maintenance? (Say days). Are we prepared to move daemons and mariadb elsewhere? Creating a temp VM in ganeti seems not possible, we'd need something like 32G of ram (that would be a big ask).
Maybe we could think about moving some daemons elsewhere, for example oozie could be placed in an-scheduler1001 (that currently doesn't do anything, waiting for airflow). Another possibility could be to create separate VMs for Hive (an-hive-server/an-hive-metastore/an-presto-coord).