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Install Kartographer on Wikispore?
Open, Needs TriagePublic


It would be great to use the Kartographer extension on Wikispore:

Is it possible to install it?

Event Timeline

ChristianSW assigned this task to Pharos.
ChristianSW reassigned this task from Pharos to Zblace.
ChristianSW removed Zblace as the assignee of this task.
ChristianSW added a subscriber: Pharos.
ChristianSW added a subscriber: Zblace.
Pharos added a subscriber: Zblace.
Pharos subscribed.

Installing the extension is certainly possible, the only question is how to serve the back-end requests. Wikimedia has the Kartotherian nodejs server running, and this is responsible for serving map thumbnails, tiles, and geoshapes. As long as the Wikispore project stays under the umbrella of Wikimedia projects, I think there should be no problem in using the shared Kartotherian service. few third-parties have also been granted an exception and are able to rely on the server, but this is something the Wikimedia Foundation has been trying to phase out.

awight renamed this task from Install Kartographer? to Install Kartographer on Wikispore?.Jun 3 2022, 10:50 AM