In the parent task we are currently testing the mjolnir daemon on the new search-loader VMs (one for eqiad and one for codw), and we realized that we'd need more than the current specs (4 vcores, 4GB of RAM).
In order to expand the VMs, we'd need to:
gnt-instance modify -B memory=8g,vcpus=8 search-loader1001.eqiad.wmnet gnt-instance modify -B memory=8g,vcpus=8 search-loader2001.codfw.wmnet
And then reboot the instances. It seems ok also to proceed from the ganeti resouce point of view:
elukey@ganeti1011:~$ sudo gnt-instance list | grep search-loader search-loader1001.eqiad.wmnet kvm debootstrap+default ganeti1020.eqiad.wmnet running 4.0G elukey@ganeti1011:~$ sudo gnt-node list | egrep 'Node|ganeti1020' Node DTotal DFree MTotal MNode MFree Pinst Sinst ganeti1020.eqiad.wmnet 2.1T 1.8T 62.5G 11.0G 50.7G 3 2
elukey@ganeti2021:~$ sudo gnt-instance list | grep search-loader search-loader2001.codfw.wmnet kvm debootstrap+default ganeti2018.codfw.wmnet running 4.0G elukey@ganeti2021:~$ sudo gnt-node list | egrep 'Node|ganeti2018' Node DTotal DFree MTotal MNode MFree Pinst Sinst ganeti2018.codfw.wmnet 2.1T 2.0T 62.5G 13.0G 48.8G 2 1